WasteXchange and Women

There is No Limiting The Women

The role of women and the youth in nation-building cannot be overemphasized especially in a developing nation like Nigeria. It is a known fact that women are excellent managers of resources if given the chance and take good care of the home front better than men because when empowered financially, the multiplier effect trickles down to the whole family, hence reducing poverty. Our company policy and model is centered around making women Recycling Hub Managers in all our hubs. Based on local interaction and demographic set up of households in Nigeria, women are the key decision-makers when it comes to home management.

During our community engagement activities, 9 out of 10 respondents are women. This shows that our model thrives with women being the major target of our patronage. In addition, we have an empowerment programme where we encourage women to take up entrepreneurial opportunities like the WasteXchange Plastic Delivery Service. Also, we would engage many young girls as WasteXchange Ambassadors who go out daily to sensitize, educate and advocate for Recycling, clean and safe Environment in our host communities.

There is no limit to the role and position women can play and occupy in our organization as:

  1. Employees.
  2. Community Recycling Manager: This position is reserved for women exclusively
  3. WasteXchange Ambassadors (Periodical): We engage more women and young girls in community engagement and advocacy about recycling programme, plastic pollution consequences crisis both in Nigeria and globally.